A Ghost in the Tree


A Ghost in the Tree
(A bit of Silly… Poetry)

Do you agree
with me?
Do you see
a ghost in the tree?

On a carefree
walk of sightsee,
it caused a teeny
bit of anxiety.

But Charlie in his chivalry
helped me gain clarity
and guaranteed
it was but a tree.

Such pedigree
to disagree
and decree
it must be too much coffee.

It was a beauty.
Could it be
a chickadee
or chimpanzee?

and Yippee
for a tree designee
of imaginative jubilee!

Cheers & Hugs,

The Road Taken

37 thoughts on “A Ghost in the Tree

  1. Oh…shoot…now you’ve got me rhyming…

    A scary specter etched in bark
    you came upon while in the park
    with howling mouth and haunted eyes
    and ghostly, gastly, ghoulish,cries
    but ever valiant Charlie said,
    as he cocked his leg and turned his head,
    “that phantom face is but a tree,
    the perfect place for me to pee!”
    The ghost unveiled, hip hip hooray
    for handsome Charlie saved the day!

    Oh gosh…if this is any indication of how my brain is going to work today, the world might be in trouble!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It is not a ghost. It is a Wood Spirit. Legend is they are the Lord’s of the Forest and all natural things. To see one is considered good luck. Your friend Wayne.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh hehehe,
    Indeed Jodee,
    In that tree
    A ghost I did in fact see…
    Though it didn’t startle me; I see them all the time.
    Wait, that last bit didn’t rhyme.
    Now it does. Do’h!
    Great silly poem and photo, Jodi. Just up my sTREEt! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

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