Gotta Cut Loose

Gotta Cut Loose.

I've been trying to do a painting for a couple days that is just not happening right now.

Seems when I try too hard and set expectations for myself, it just doesn't happen!


So instead of trying it for the fourth time……..

I just let myself cut loose…

and do whatever came out…

and see what happened.

This happened.

And I kinda love it.

I played with some different colors than I've been playing with lately.  This painting has Daniel Smith Cobalt Blue, Perylene Violet, Olive Green, and Quinacridone Gold.

Cut loose and see what you can do!

And in case you don't have the song in your head yet…..

Cheers & Hugs,


55 thoughts on “Gotta Cut Loose

  1. Jodi–

    I LOVE your work! Do you think that you would ever consider doing some illustrations for two children’s books I’ve written? I am working with some self-publishing folks and your style of animal paintings would be perfect for one of my rhyming books.

    Think about it and let me know when you can.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I see that as much the same as a writer who just writes intuitively from the heart vs one who spends time on structure, choice of words, reader appeal etc etc. Whereas planning will have advantages, it can so easily progress into a technical analysis of a desired end result…… and the personal creativity is lost. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love how you “cut loose” and had fun! WHOOT!! 👍🎨 These colors are beautiful together – have a fallish feel to me 💚🍂 BTW I had to watch the video again – makes me remember the good old days when we used to have fun dancing! 😄

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  4. This watercolor is stupendous, you should make a habit of cutting loose from time to time! The colors are so pleasing to the eye, very earthy. “Footloose” – now that was quite the movie, way back when! Thank-you for sharing your beautiful painting. P.S. Did you miss Benjamin and me?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know – right? I tried the one painting four times – then another three – trashed them all – gave up – and then said – just go with what you are feeling- and this happened!

      Liked by 1 person

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