Watercolor Blues

Blue Irises Watercolor 11×14

Watercolor Blues.

I had the watercolor “blues” this past weekend.

Not the sad blues, but the HAPPY French Ultramarine and Cerulean and Cobalt Teal blues with a punch of Crimson and Quinacridone Gold for more fun!

The flowers and trees are just bursting right now during the Spring rains and sunshine creating such inspiration.

It was so wonderful to spend a few hours painting and printing and framing and organizing supplies in my art room.   Treasured, cherished, creative time…. at life in between.

Cheers & Hugs,




Essence of Daffodil in Watercolor

Essence of Daffodil in Watercolor – 11×14

Essence of Daffodil in Watercolor.

The daffodils in my yard are shooting up and on the verge of bursting open.

Spring is such an exciting time!  It seems there is something new to see every day.  Bright yellow daffodils will soon be the star of the show in our front yard leading the way for the forsythia and maple tree buds and leaves and the grass turning green.

Charlie is enjoying napping in the warm sunshine on the deck or in the grass instead of curling up in bed.

The birds are singing and the turkeys are gobbling.

What could be more enchanting and welcoming than the beginning of Spring?

Besides the turning of leaves in Autumn….
or the first snowfall in Winter….
or the first bare feet in the grass in Summer?

In honor of the daffodils, I painted this very loose and dreamy watercolor I call, “Essence of Daffodils.”

If you like it, the original, as well as prints and cards are available in our McKinneyX2Designs Etsy shop, and I’ve added it to our Society6 shop on pillows and other fun decor and accessories.  If you are local, you can find our work at Berry Vine Gifts in BradfordWoods, PA.

Happy Daffodil Days!

Cheers & Hugs,




Crimson and Coral

Crimson Flowers Watercolor 11×14

Crimson and Coral.

Coral Flowers Watercolor 11×14

Painting Fluid Florals.

Watercolor on the Weekend
makes me happy…
makes me feel fine.

Cheers & Hugs,

PS  I’ve been known to have random songs pop in my head for almost anything – and then break into tune (or out of tune as it most often turns out) when they do.  Can you guess the two songs running through my head when writing this post?

Links here if you can’t guess:
Song One
Song Two

These original paintings, prints and cards are available at McKinneyX2Designs.

A Watercolor Sunflower – Painting Warmth

Sunflower Watercolor 11x14 140 lb cold press 012018

Sunflower Watercolor 11×14 140 lb cold press 012018

A Watercolor Sunflower – Painting Warmth.

I found a little time this busy weekend
to escape to my art room
and splash a little paint…

to create some warmth
amidst the bitter chill
that is our weather right now…

inspired by my birthday bouquet
and the need to
create art.

Cheers & Hugs,


This watercolor painting – original, prints, and cards – is available at McKinneyX2Designs ETSY Shop

Time to “Art”

White Floral Abstract Watercolor 11x14 140lb Cold Press

White Floral Abstract Watercolor 11×14 140lb Cold Press

Time to “Art”

It is the week following Christmas…
a time I once used to feel “let down.”

After all the busyness
of the weeks leading up to Christmas…

The checklists
and shopping lists.

The writing and signing…
The sealing and stamping and mailing.

The sifting and stirring…
The  separating and straining and sugaring.

The ripping and wrapping…
The taping and twisting and tying.

The fluffing and folding…
The scrubbing and setting and shining.

It’s all so exciting
leading up to the celebrating!

But there is something special also
about the days “after” that I have truly come to appreciate.

I am fortunate to be able to take time off from work
the week between Christmas and New Year.

And this year is especially special
as I get to spend extra days with my granddaughter.

We are snuggling and tickling…
We are reading and singing and laughing.

We are napping and relaxing…
We are twirling and tumbling and kick-backin’.

And yesterday, during an especially long nap,
I had a chance to escape to my art room

for some much-needed “arting”
that I’ve been longing for.

I had no idea what I wanted to paint –
it’s been weeks since I’ve gifted myself with the time.

But it was as if the paper and water and paints
decided to give me a gift…

And this is what emerged…
A white floral abstract of sorts.

A celebration of time graciously granted
at “life in between.”

Cheers & Hugs,


Daniel Smith Watercolors:  Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Quinacridone Gold.


Late Summer Dreaming

"Late Summer Dreams" Abstract Floral Watercolor - 11x14

“Late Summer Dreams” Abstract Floral Watercolor – 11×14

Late Summer Dreaming.

Laying in the warm grass,
looking up at the clouds floating by,
listening to the cicadas sing.

Cool misty morning walks,
hot afternoon ceiling fans swirling,
earlier and earlier sunsets for bright star gazing.

Plump ruby red tomatoes fresh off the vine,
bushels of zucchini for spiraling and shredding and slicing,
roasted sweet corn, and fuzz covered juicy ripe peaches.

Late summer dreaming
inspired layers of transparent watercolor glaze
in varying combinations of Prussian blue, Azo yellow, and Quinacridone rose.

Wishing you sweet late summer dreams.

Cheers & Hugs,


Gotta Cut Loose

Gotta Cut Loose.

I've been trying to do a painting for a couple days that is just not happening right now.

Seems when I try too hard and set expectations for myself, it just doesn't happen!


So instead of trying it for the fourth time……..

I just let myself cut loose…

and do whatever came out…

and see what happened.

This happened.

And I kinda love it.

I played with some different colors than I've been playing with lately.  This painting has Daniel Smith Cobalt Blue, Perylene Violet, Olive Green, and Quinacridone Gold.

Cut loose and see what you can do!

And in case you don't have the song in your head yet…..

Cheers & Hugs,


Splashing in Quinacridone Rose & Gold

Quinacridone Rose Abstract Floral Watercolor - 8x10 on 140lb Arches Cold Press

Quinacridone Rose Abstract Floral Watercolor – 8×10 on 140lb Arches Cold Press

Splashing in Quinacridone Rose and Gold.

A little diversion from my recent watercolor animal rhyme series back to one of my favorite things to paint – loose, abstract, impressionistic florals!

I broke out my brand new 20ml tube of Royal Talens Rembrandt Artist Quality Watercolor Quinacridone Rose that I won for FREE from Charlie at Doodlewash for #WorldWatercolorMonth.  It was just one of 15 amazingly huge, juicy, luscious 20ml tubes, along with 3 beautiful bottles of Ecoline Liquid Watercolor Paint and 4 markers that I will have hours of fun playing with.

Quinacridones are a favorite of mine.  For this painting, I used three colors, Quin Rose, Quin Gold, and Olive Green (DS) in some big and some small layers and bubbles and strokes.

Oh what fun it was, and I kinda love how it turned out.  This one is going into our McKinneyX2Designs ETSY shop, where I sell original paintings, prints, and cards, and my daughter-in-law, Colleen, makes fun and beautiful rustic signs and decor for the home from reclaimed pallet wood.  (Feel free to check it out and help us spread the word!  And as a thank you from us – if you refer a friend who places an order and lets us know they were referred from your name via the blog, we’ll send you a free box of cards – your choice!  AND if you place an order and let us know you saw it here, we’ll also send you a free box of cards along with your order!)

Thanks again, Charlie, and Royal Talens North America for the beautiful Rembrandt Paints!  I LOVE the Quinacridone Rose and find it to be as lovely as my Daniel Smith and Winsor Newton versions of the same color.

Can’t wait to experiment with more!

Cheers & Hugs,

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about Royal Talens North America, who was so extremely generous with this beautiful gift, join me in signing up for their newsletter HERE!


Impatiens Flowers - June 2017 - Mars, PA

Impatiens Flowers – June 2017 – Mars, PA


It is hard to be patient,
when you are impatiently waiting…

For the sun to rise,
or for the sun to set.

For the next season to begin,
or for the former to end.

For the pot to boil,
or for the bread to rise.

For the punch line of a joke,
or the ending of a sad movie.

To start a new book,
or to reach the ending.

For the child to grow,
or for the child to remain small.

For the love of your life,
or for the ability to love life.

For that amazingly great moment,
or for each one in between.

Cheers and hugs,


A Pansy for Your Thoughts

Purple Pansy Watercolor - 6x9 140lb Saunders Hot Press

Purple Pansy Watercolor – 6×9 140lb Saunders Hot Press

A Pansy for Your Thoughts.

I painted this pansy one night this past week, and it kept “speaking to me” in a thoughtful way.

It just keep saying, “A Pansy for Your Thoughts.”

Anyone that knows me well, knows I’m a bit of a “deep thinker.”  In fact, you might say I overthink things.  But it is who I am, and now that I’m in my fifth decade of life, I’m pretty okay with it.  A nice place to be.

So today, I just wanted to share a bit of me, and I’d love to hear about a bit of you.  You know… A Penny… A Peso… A Pansy for Your Thoughts.

I care what people think…
about me…

I really wish
I didn’t.

But I always want
everyone to like me.

And if they don’t,
it bothers me – a lot.

And it is not possible for everyone to like me.
I really do “get” that.

But it still troubles me,
no matter how hard I try.

My head
understands this.

But my heart,
which I prefer to think with,

Or just can’t help
but to think with…

just can’t wrap
its arms around the notion.

Is it just a part
of my DNA?

That is what
my personality assessment reveals.

I’m a High “I”
not matter the circumstance.

So I truly believe,
though I wish it weren’t so,

I will still think this way
if I live to be 108.

Do you care what other people think…
about you?

A Pansy
for your thoughts…

Cheers & Hugs,