Late Summer Dreaming

"Late Summer Dreams" Abstract Floral Watercolor - 11x14

“Late Summer Dreams” Abstract Floral Watercolor – 11×14

Late Summer Dreaming.

Laying in the warm grass,
looking up at the clouds floating by,
listening to the cicadas sing.

Cool misty morning walks,
hot afternoon ceiling fans swirling,
earlier and earlier sunsets for bright star gazing.

Plump ruby red tomatoes fresh off the vine,
bushels of zucchini for spiraling and shredding and slicing,
roasted sweet corn, and fuzz covered juicy ripe peaches.

Late summer dreaming
inspired layers of transparent watercolor glaze
in varying combinations of Prussian blue, Azo yellow, and Quinacridone rose.

Wishing you sweet late summer dreams.

Cheers & Hugs,


45 thoughts on “Late Summer Dreaming

  1. I love your abstract watercolors, they are so ethereal with the soft colors and delicate touch. Another beautiful painting and equally beautiful thoughts. Thank-you for adding so much beauty to my days. P.S. Hope you won some of the paper from “Doodlewash”! I have to ask due to my curious nature, what is cold press versus hot press?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Ellen. I’m so glad you enjoy! I did win some free paper -woohoo! cold press is a rougher texture watercolor paper and cold press is a smooth texture – makes a huge difference depending on what you want to achieve. 🙂 Took me a while to learn all this stuff too!!


  2. Love all the colors you were able to create out of azo Yellow, Prussian blue & Quin Rose. Lovely little bouquet. Great poem. I’m starting to miss summer too, even though ours is still going hot and heavy, 90 today and predicting 100+ by weekend. Few days ago, we were in the 70’s & we had thunderstorms, rain and isolated ares of hail.

    Liked by 1 person

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