Soft Spots

Leopard, Pittsburgh Zoo, October, 2017

Soft Spots.

Things I have a soft spot for….

The words “I love you” – especially from my sons.
Outstretched arms – especially from my granddaughter.
Belly laughs – especially from hubby.

The smell of lilacs and popcorn and cinnamon.
Misty mornings.
The blue sky of Autumn.

Vintage pearls.
Antique library card catalog cabinets.
Sourdough bread.

Random texts.
Handwritten notes.
Doggie greetings every time I return home.

The way my daughter-in-laws look at their husbands.
Hugs from friends.
Smiles from strangers.

Cheers & Hugs,


33 thoughts on “Soft Spots

  1. Jodi, When I read your post today….It make me think of Julie Andrews singing in the “Sound of Music”….Forgot the all the words, but in that songs near the end she sings….these are just some of my favorite things. Very nice post and the soft spots you mention are so perfect. If you asked me to list what I thought were your most cherished moments or most precious things, I think that based on what I know about you just from our blog interplay…I think I would have selected for you about 80 % of these. They complement your wonderful personality. Luv Gary

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Our soft spots prevent the hard edges of life from piercing our souls. Benjamin’s “I love you Gem” and kissing the “ouchies”, then saying “it’s all better now” are among my best soft spots. Spectacular post by one talented Lady. Thank-you!

    Liked by 1 person

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