Mixing it Up with Mixed Media

Mixed Media Holiday Poinsettia - 12x12

Mixed Media Holiday Poinsettia – 12×12

Mixing it Up with Mixed Media.

Feeling a little crazy…
Feeling a little creative…
Feeling a little loose…

I painted a bright, bold, red poinsettia
on some newsprint,
and then I went crazy.

I glued,
and I taped,
and I splashed,
and I sprinkled.

I tore,
and I tied,
and I buttoned,
and I pearled.

And when I was done…
I framed,
and I smiled,
and I sighed in contentment.


Cheers & Hugs,


53 thoughts on “Mixing it Up with Mixed Media

  1. Throwing caution to the wind and giving your creative mind free reign resulted in one magnificent piece of art! This has so much eye appeal, all of the elements compliment each other so beautifully. Benjamin’s opinion: “I like the buttons best!” Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

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