Be a Sunflower

Be a Sunflower.

Be a sunflower
on a cold winter day…

A burst of sunlight
when the clouds are heavy and gray.

Grow in places
people never thought possible.

Have a sturdy stalk and soft petals…
be wild and unstoppable.

Cheers & Hugs,


This little poem was inspired by a birthday bouquet of flowers from hubby.   As I gazed at them sitting bright and beautiful on the kitchen table despite the bitter cold and gray just inches away through the window, I realized we can all be bright and sturdy and soft and wild and unstoppable no matter what we or others think is or is not possible.  So let’s be a sunflower today.


72 thoughts on “Be a Sunflower

  1. Who can not be cheered by a Sunflower!?! Beautiful thoughts inspired by one amazing flower. Did you know that there are 1000- 2000 individual flowers in each Sunflower head? Have you ever noticed their tracking of the sun’s movements, called heliotropism? Sunflowers are not just beautiful, but fascinating…to me. Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sunflowers always remind me of a sunny day – thanks for brightening mine today with your poem… I especially like the part about having a sturdy stalk and soft petals AND being wild and unstoppable!! 💖🎉🌈💕😍🌻

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hope you have a wonderful week of birthday celebrations, dear Jodi. . . kisses on baby, ❤hugs from sons and husband. . . daughter-in-law surprises. . .
    Sunflowers and the sun are such cheery gifts which burst into our beings. 🌞 🎀 🌻


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