Friday and Saturday

Image result for friday and saturday

Hi Friends,

I have been blogging daily here at since May 18, 2014.

A post every day for close to four years – sharing and “cherishing the moments.”

Posts with photography, poetry, stories, musings, recipes, watercolors, arts and crafts – all the “stuff” I love to do “in between.”

I feel so honored to have 4,000+ people following along here with me, and I greatly appreciate those who take the time to write notes and comments that encourage me so immensely.

It is becoming a bit of a challenge to blog every day, so I am going to allow myself a bit of a break and take Fridays and Saturdays off from posting.   I will continue on Sundays through Thursdays.

I hope this will keep my content fresh and my passion engaged.

So Happy Friday!
Cherish the Moments….
Know I’ll be cherishing mine immensely with my granddaughter, and I’ll be back Sunday!

Cheers & Hugs,


61 thoughts on “Friday and Saturday

  1. Don’t feel at all guilty, Jodi, about cutting back–enjoy your days off. Very few people who start blogs, I suspect, maintain their momentum for a single year, much less for four years. For several years I was compulsive about doing a post every day on my blog and now I am comfortable about taking at least a few days off each month. Life is meant to be lived in the real world–thanks for all of the inspiration and beauty that you share with us that helps to enrich our daily lives.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Good idea Jodi. I have also not been forcing myself to post every day. I am trying to post only when I have s new idea or a moment that I captured that i felt would be beneficial to share with you all. No need to sttess on blogging and should continue to be something that remains fun. Gary


  3. Understand sweet friend! Enjoy your precious Granddaughter !! ❤
    Your posts often make my heart feel as bright as a yellow canary and that brightness is worth waiting for! So enjoy your 2 days off each week. You have earned them. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Life is busy. Funny the pressures we put on ourselves. It’s hard to keep up with posting and reading all our favorite blogs. You are smart to take a break and engage in some off-screen life!! I’ve thought about going to three-times a week, but then feel compulsive about posting. I’ve always maintained my blog is really more of a true on-line journal about my life.

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  5. YAY for taking a much needed break!! ❤️💙💚 I find that taking a weekend break from blogging is making it a JOY instead of a chore! Cheers to enJOYing life! 💖🎉
    PS. I’m impressed you have blogged every day for almost 4 years!! WOWZA!! 🎨👍😍

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A wise decision! I won’t go away because you are replenishing your soul. I will still be here eagerly awaiting the next moment, the next inspiration you want to share. Besides, connection is not measured in time or schedules. I respect you, and that means respecting your time as well. I feel blessed with the time you do share and the balance you are seeking in the “life in between”.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good for you Jodi! Blogging every day takes a lot of time and effort and I know I for one don’t have the time to blog every day – I only blog 2 – 3 times a week. A little time out every week is a good thing, in fact it’s essential… Enjoy your time out Jodi….

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank goodness! When I read the beginning of this post, I was afraid you were going to stop blogging altogether! I think giving yourself two days a week off is a good thing. Sometimes blogging can be overwhelming in its demands on our time, and it’s supposed to be fun, not a chore. But mostly, I’m just glad you’re not leaving!

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  9. cherish the moments… yes, absolutely Jodi! there seems to be little enough time, to do the basics let alone a full on blog. So, we all understand – and of course, are grateful you will still be posting! 🙂 whew! Stepping back a fraction, to DO, to Live and enjoy those moments… is a wonderful thing Good For You! hugs and cheers, Debi

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  10. Thanks for the fyi,, otherwise would be wondering why I’m missing mail. I became a grandma 14 years ago and gave up snow skiing, and many other things to spend as much possible time with them. My grandma was the most important person in my life, she died when I turned 17. My grandgirls came to me late in life, I want the most time I can have with. You are quick to notice and make changes right away. Enjoy all your great moments with them, they grow up so fast. Hugs to you and all your family. You are very special and who’s going to teach them to draw and color and play board games? Moms only have so much time, and they need a break too.

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    • Oh Dena! You give me goosebumps and a feeling of warmth and love! I don’t know what I do to deserve, but your special note here means so very much to me! I receive so much more from this little blog than I give! I am so grateful! Thank you my friend! Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement! HUGS!

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  11. I absolutely cannot imagine how you have managed to keep up the daily blogging. I am happy if I manage once a week! I’m glad you are taking some weekend me-time and wish you a wonderful first weekend off!

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  12. I think daily blogging wears thin from time to time for me, too. I also find my responders enjoy breaks in their routines. Sometimes this has been spontaneous in my six years of blogging, other times circumstantial. I hope you are breaths of fresh air and happiness experienced in your days off! 🌅 🌈 xo ~Robin

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You’ve more than earned the break my friend! Your posts are amazing! Thank you for all you DO and share! 😍 You’re a bright light in this world and I’m thrilled to have “met” you. One day… I shall travel to Mars and demand cookies. ❤️

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