Hoppy Easter!

Easter Bunny Watercolor 2018 11×14

Hoppy Easter!

For those celebrating, I thought I would share a quick watercolor I did this weekend of a magical Easter Bunny.

A bunny that is THE Easter bunny would have to be magical right?

In doing a bit of quick internet research, I learned the Easter Bunny originated in Germany in the 1500s, and came to the United States in the 18th century through Protestant German immigrants in the Pennsylvania Dutch area (not far from me in Mars, PA!).  They told their children about the “Osterhase,” who brought good children colored eggs, candy, and sometimes toys in nests they made in their caps and bonnets before Easter.

Whether you celebrate Easter or not, I hope this magical watercolor bunny brings a smile to your face and joy to your day.

Cheers & Hugs,




74 thoughts on “Hoppy Easter!

  1. Beautiful bunny, Jodi! Happy Easter to you, too!

    Question for you: I am looking for an illustrator for the book of short stories for children I wrote. Would you be interested yourself, or do you know anyone who would? I love your work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So talented! How are you keeping these beautiful paintings? Stored or displayed? Do you have a book or some type of organizer? These really are gorgeous – you could sell these you know or make adorable gifts cards etc… Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks!! I do sell them and make cards from them as a matter of fact! 🙂 My daughter in law and I have an ETSY shop and I sell at a local shop. If you’d like to see our ETSY – it is mckinneyx2designs. I also illustrated and wrote a children’s book that is for sale on Amazon. It is called Klaus the Mouse and Other Silly Animal Tales by Jodi McKinney. Happy Easter!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. This is the most splendiferous Easter Bunny ever! He positively radiates a magical aura. Benjamin will love this colorful character… orange is his favorite, you know! Hope your Easter was overflowing with family, friends and many magical moments. Thank-you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Benjamin says : “Hoppy is the bestest bunny! Gem, I hope his fluffy tail is orange too!” I assured him that Hoppy’s tail most certainly is orange. He wants you to know that he found “lots of eggs yesterday that had little cars and candy inside. And I got a humongous basket with everything in it, PJMasks and Reese’s pieces in carrots! Did Charlie get a basket too?” Another question from Benjamin : “Is it snowing at your house on Mars like it is at Gem’s?” Also, “Tell My Jodi, Thank-you for Hoppy!” A kiss on Hoppy for you too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • His tail is orange FOR SURE my Benjamin! Charlie got some bones and treats from the Easter bunny and his niece got little yellow rubber boots filled with candy and pajamas and treats! And we woke up to a lot of snow – about 6 inches sticking to the trees and bushes. It is beautiful, and beginning to melt. Have a wonderful day you two!!


      • The BenjaGem project this morning was building another Mr. Snowy while it was snowing! This one is on my deck again, the one we built on March 22nd. was in the yard on a huge tree stump. This is our 5th. Mr. Snowy this winter. He even built a wall around today’s in the hope it would keep Mr. Snowy “safe”. Benjamin will be dismayed tomorrow to discover that the wall and Mr. Snowy are melting. But, he will be very happy that Hoppy has an orange tail for sure and that Charlie was visited by the magical Easter Bunny too! Thank-you x 2!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh boy. Benjamin is going to be bummed about snowy but he sure has learned this winter about more opportunities to do it again. Lol. And I’m sure you’re teaching him other wonderful things too!!


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