PAWsitive Points to Ponder: A Charlie Guest Post

PAWsitive Points to Ponder:  A Charlie Guest Post.

Greet those you love with great enthusiasm – Every… Single… Time… you see them.
Wag your tail.
Jump up on them.
Smother them in kisses.

Stop and smell the roses.
Sniff out the interesting things.
Notice the things that pique your curiosity.
Never stop being inquisitive.

Mess up the bed.
Mom thinks the bed needs straightened up every day…
pressed and tidied and pillows fluffed and in place….
but I love to scrunch it all up into a cozy, wonderful, comfortable mess.  Yes!

Roll in the grass.
It’s a massage.
It’s a back scratcher.
It will make you feel like a kid again.

And never forget –
If all else fails,
curl up in a ball, lay in the sunshine,
and take a nap.

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link:   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.


57 thoughts on “PAWsitive Points to Ponder: A Charlie Guest Post

  1. Charlie, you and my Frances think alike when it comes to messing up the bed. I’m always straightening it out and no sooner have I done that and Frances is back in my bed with the covers pushed down and she’s snoring away. If she’s not there she finds a sunny spot on the stairs to nap but we haven’t had much sun or warmth in awhile.

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  2. If only we humans would see the world the way you do, Charlie. Well…except maybe we humans might wanna dial it aback a bit on those elements in paragraph one. Still, nothing wrong with being enthusiastic with greeting those we love. Charlie, you’re the best! :O)

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  3. Charlie… my Mom and I love to hear from you….laying in the sunshine is one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing your “tails” with us!

    PS … I like the UPS and Mailman Also

    Barney and Toni my Mom

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    • Hi Barney and Ms. Toni! I’m so glad you enjoy my “tails!” I’ve had to really had to search for the sunshine around here lately! Our winter was warm, but our spring has been cold. Mother Nature is confused. But I’m still having fun. Thanks for visiting! Love, Charlie


  4. We always love a Charlie post! Benjamin says “Hi Charlie! I am so happy that the Easter Bunny brought you treats. You must have been really good, like me. I love your picture and I’m kissing your nose. Bye!” Thank-you x 2!!


  5. Charlie, you are so wise! And thanks for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us. I honestly believe the world would be a better place if people were more like dogs. (PS: You wouldn’t think of running for President, would you? Because I would love to vote for you!!!)

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    • Oh boy ms Ann. I’m now dreaming of the campaign slogans. You won’t be sorry of you vote for Charlie! I’d work for cookies and belly rubs and I think the world might be a kinder gentler place ! ❤️🐶

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