Breaking Free

Breaking Free in Blues Abstract 11×14 Arches 140lb Cold Press

Breaking Free.

Three months ago,
when I lost a job I loved
that I thought would be my last,
I was devastated.
I was broken free.

Two months ago,
I started a new job that I now love
and hope will be my last,
and I am so energized.
It is like breaking free.

Over the past few months,
I’ve started exploring new art mediums –
in my “life in between
from watercolor to acrylic to mixed media.
I am breaking free.

This painting,
done over two days this past week
combining these old and new mediums
feels like I am expressing
the elation of breaking free.

And I love it….
The painting….
The joy…
The freedom…
Yes – I’m breaking free!

Cheers & Hugs,

This original painting – as well as high quality prints and card sets – is available at our McKinneyX2Designs ETSY Shop!

AND PS  I’m so excited to let you know the Yellow Canary McKinneyX2Designs World Watercolor Month Limited Edition Pouch is NOW AVAILABLE!!!   Here is the link to order yours!  Hope you will help support Dreaming Zebra –  a nonprofit encouraging children to embrace their individuality to express themselves creatively and follow their artistic dreams.  100% of the proceeds for the sale of this Limited Edition Pouch will help provide art and music supplies to underprivileged children throughout the world.

64 thoughts on “Breaking Free

  1. BRAVA, Jodi! Every ending brings a new beginning with it. And see now how your life shines just as this magnificent painting of yours does. And yes I saw the link so I thank you! Have a wonderful day, She Who is Free! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jodi, this is so timely for me. I am considering a possible jab change & have very mixed feelings about doing so. I love that you describe your recent experience as breaking free!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful art Jodi – being a person who loves the ocean, I see this a a beautiful seaweed gently swaying with the current… ! I’m glad you love your new job – I’ve suddenly found myself facing unexpected changes. At the moment they may be only temporary but life has a habit of suddenly throwing us a curve ball…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: The Return of Posts of Note! – A Kinder Way

  5. WOWZA!! So happy to see you “breaking free” in art and life, Jodi!! 💙💖💜 I love how your painting reminds me of the ocean, like Evelyn described it. 😃 You go girl! You inspire me! 💙💙💙

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sometimes we don’t realize just exactly how much we’re capable of until we break free! Breaking free is sometimes our choice, and sometimes it’s just something that happens to us. But as you have proven, either way it can be a wonderful thing. Now you have a new job you love and you’re grown tremendously as an artist. So happy for you, Jodi!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Congratulations. It seems that life often works that way. You know the old cliche about a door closing and a window opening. Sure sounds like you’ve found a wonderful window. Lovely painting. You express yourself so well through your art.

    Liked by 1 person

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