Easy DIY Christmas Countdown Advent Calendar

Easy DIY “Christmas Countdown” Advent Calendar.

I’ve been dreaming of making this since summer….
and I finally got busy and did it this week.

Just in time!

I was looking for a fun way for my granddaughter to count down the days until Christmas with a little surprise each day, so when I found this inexpensive Over the Door Shoe Organizer this summer, I knew just what I was going to do.

I used fabric paint to paint the numbers on each “shoe pouch” – just the right number for an advent calendar!

And it was so much fun shopping for little toys and art projects and treats and hair bows and socks and mittens to fill all 24 compartments.

I think the anticipation of Christmas is almost more fun than the day itself.  I love the whole month leading up to it.

A friend shared this Advent Calendar of Kindness recently on Facebook, and I couldn’t resist sharing it too.

Don’t let the stress of the materialism of the holiday ruin this special time.  Small gifts of anticipation and everyday acts of kindness can make all the difference!  It’s what we need more of.

Happy Holidays!!

Cheers & Hugs,

51 thoughts on “Easy DIY Christmas Countdown Advent Calendar

      • You have a great gift in home design. culinary techiques for assume food, creative work in arts and crsfts, thinking out of the box. You have it all Jodi!!! So glad that you are enjoying these activities and sharing your wonderful creatioms with us.


  1. I made one of these for my granddaughter last year. She loved it. Now they use the shoe organizer to store her toys. Items that she can get out on her own are in the lower pockets and things that only come out when her play is closely supervised by Mommy and Daddy (markers, crayons and anything fragile) are higher up.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I imagine your granddaughters will love your advent gifts! The baby may not be aware this year, but next year all the more fun! ☺️ I like how it fits over a door too! ❤️ And the kindest advent is a great idea! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How clever to use a closet organizer, perfect little pouches, and exactly 24! I’ve been doing a big calendar for Superboy and Big E for 4 years, and they LOVE it! As they’ve grown I throw in a few more giving back type things, like help with a certain chore, do something for Dad, clean your room, as well as candy and small toys. The advent of kindness calendar is such a wonderful idea, I will be borrowing ideas from that for sure! Have fun Grandma, and pretty soon you’re going to need another one!


  4. Since September, Benjamin is in all day preschool on Tuesday and Thursday, so I save your posts for him until he is here Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I always read the posts as they arrive, but do not comment on the ones that Benjamin will love. He always scans the inbox for “My Jodi’s” emails and thinks that they are sent to him, an idea that I do not discourage. Monday and Wednesday were spent outdoors raking leaves into mounds for the last bagging, or more often jumping into them by Benjamin. We also helped a neighbor and succeeded having the leaves curbside just in time for the last town pick-up. Which is too much information to simply say that it was late when we got to the computer and still later when Benjamin “found” this post. Per Benjamin : “Gem, did you tell My Jodi about my Christmas calendar? It is just like mine, almost!” Three years ago I saw an advertisement for a Children’s Advent Calendar that had 24 small pockets and 1 large pocket for the 25th day. I was smitten by everything about it, but the cost! It then occurred to me that I could make one for much less and add my own unique details. My plan was to completely craft the calendar, but when I went to purchase the materials…I came upon the 24 pocket organizer and “Lightbulb” moment! Onto each pocket I glued a small piece of velcro and then made 24 felt Teddy Bears with a number from 1 to 24 on the front and the other half of each velcro piece glued to the back. Each year, I make new felt pieces that correspond with the year’s theme, making it appear a wee bit different every year. This year is Gingerbread men! Benjamin loves his very own calendar with the little surprises at Gem’s house again this year. I know that your sweet Granddaughter must love her very own too! Thank-you x 2!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! Yours is EXTRA special! So Sweet!!! It is such a fun thing to do. My kids usually send me a snapchat each evening with my granddaughter opening the day’s gift and saying “Thank You.” It is so precious!!! ❤


  5. Pingback: Good Morning Writers! I know it’s early but some ideas for Christmas – The Bee Writes…

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