My Second Book is Published! Lucas the Lucky Lion

Lucas the Lucky Lion and his Fun Rhyming Friends

My second book is published!  Lucas the Lucky Lion and his Fun Rhyming Friends is now available at Amazon.

Some of you may remember my first children’s book, Klaus the Mouse and other Silly Animal Tales.  I had so much fun creating it, much in part to the encouragement of this fun blogging community.

This second one was created as a follow-up to Klaus the Mouse in a way, as it evolved from friends asking for, and then me creating, characters based on my besties’ grandies similar to the watercolor paintings and rhyming stories in Klaus the Mouse.  It was a labor of love to honor these friends and their special grandchildren.

My first book was dedicated to my first granddaughter.  This one is dedicated to my second.  They are two of the greatest loves of my life!

Thank you Bubby for encouraging me every step of the way to publish this book.  Thank you Jim for that first request of Alex the Alligator and Liz the Lizard that put this whole compilation in motion.  Thank you Jill for sharing your family with mine and supporting me no matter what I do.  Thank you Joyce for your love and creative inspiration and for sharing the best of what family is all about with me.

In this book, you will enjoy reading and rhyming along with Lucas the Lucky Lion, who of course scored the cover spot because of his good luck, all the way through to Mason the fickle, pickle-loving monkey who is sure to tickle your funny bone.

And in this book, I left two blank pages at the end where I hope readers will consider drawing their own character and creating their own rhyme.  And I would love if they will share with me.  My email address is

Thanks to all of you for your ongoing encouragement and support.  You’ve really contributed to making my dreams come true!

Cheers & Hugs,





74 thoughts on “My Second Book is Published! Lucas the Lucky Lion

  1. Congratulations, Jodi, on your new book. I love your characters so much that I decided to order the book from Amazon, overcoming my minor inhibitions over purchasing a book intended primarily for children. It just looks like it will be so much fun to view and to read aloud, marveling over and over at your artistic and verbal skills.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome!! Congrats my friend!! ❤️I am a proud owner of Klaus the Mouse so I can assure anyone wondering if they should buy this book to buy it immediately! And wow… you should really switch to a pen name of Best Grandmother EVER! … what beautiful memories you’re creating for those lucky children.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wooooo Hooo! You are Amazing! Love it love it! And thanks for allowing us to be a part of that journey. So glad for you! Congratulations is such & understatement. I’m so excited! Gonna have to order it!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I once had a teacher who told us all, “The most important thing you could ever do is write for children!” And I think she was right. Congratulations, Jodi, on publishing your second book and to all the children who will enjoy it!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Benjamin says : “Namaste! I am so proud of My Jodi and Gem is too! Gem promises to get Lucas the Lucky Lion for me cause I love Klaus the Mouse and all my friends. This time I love Ben the Brave Beetle Bug the bestest. Some of the animals have the same name as my friends, like Mason the Monkey and Harper the Hippo. I can’t kiss or neck-buster hug you cause I am sick and germy. I love you!” Gem says : Congratulations on your second published book. Your talents are unlimited and you use them well. Thank-you x 2!! Benjamin wants to go and revisit some of these new friends, until he can find them in the pages of your new book!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww! So good to hear from you two! But, I am sorry to hear that you are sick and germy sweet Benjamin! Hopefully you will feel better soon, but you rest and relax with Gem for now. I Love you back!


  6. First of all, Congratulations! That’s for doing all that has to be done to get published! I have no idea of the actual work. It’s magic as far as I am concerned. I love the library and recently I’ve been looking at the children’s section to see what children are reading these days. There are a lot of books. I will see if yours are in our local library. I have to say that I am jealous of your success in being published. Which is weird because I’ve never dreamed of being an author, well not in lengthy dreams anyway, passing thoughts is more like it.
    Anyway, I will look for your books.

    Liked by 1 person

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