The Sparkly Magic of the Season

Sparkly Trees in Pink and Blue Original Watercolor Jodi McKinney 11x14

Sparkly Trees in Pink and Blue – Original Watercolor Jodi McKinney 11×14

The Sparkly Magic of the Season.

Are you feeling it friends?
Are you feeling the sparkly magic of the season?
Christmas is only eight days away!
But the magic is here already.
Do you feel it too?

Don’t miss it.

Don’t get too caught up
in what you feel you “have” to do…
in what you “have” to buy…
in what you “have” to bake…
in what you “have” to accomplish.

Relish the magic
that is all around!

To me, the magic is now….
in these days that lead up to Christmas and New Year.
The excitement…
The anticipation!
Oh how I wish we could bottle it to sprinkle on everyone throughout the year!

I went to the post office this afternoon.
The line was longer than I have ever seen it –
and I go almost ever day.
But people were smiling and laughing and cheerful –
those that worked behind the counter –
and those I stood in line and chatted with.
Customers balanced stacks of packages in their arms.
Postal workers kindly explained options.
Friends and strangers chatted.

I visited my son and grandie girls for a brief time
on my way home from work
like I do most every Monday afternoon.
We danced and sang.
We snuggled and hugged.
They dug through my purse with expectant anticipation
of treats they knew they would find.
And then they decided – for the first time ever –
to send home a piece of one of their treats
to their Pap, who they love…
and who loves them back more dearly
than he could ever express,
but we all know.

I went to the grocery store after work.
Sam, a high school junior at a local private Christian school,
was my check-out attendant.
He asked me what special plans I had for the holiday,
and he shared his.
He told me he would be taking the test for his driver’s license
the day after Christmas,
so it was either going to be a Merry Christmas
or a disappointing one,
but he had been practicing his parallel parking with his Dad
and was feeling confident.
He was also studying for mid-terms
and telling me how much he enjoyed music and the arts.
And while we were talking,
a voice from behind –
cheerful and surprised –
told him she was glad to hear he was studying…
and didn’t know he worked here.
She was his high school music teacher.

When I arrived home,
the mail contained colorful envelopes
and tightly sealed packages…
cards and letters from friends and relatives
and a box filled with juicy grapefruits and crisp apples,
bright oranges and ripe pears…
All delivered from a mail carrier
who always takes the time to chat
and scratch Charlie’s ears…
even when his day is running hours later than usual.

This painting
is a product of a late night visit to my art room.
I was feeling the magic,
and I painted my feelings.
Do you feel it?
I sure hope so!

Feel the sparkly magic of the season!
It is as special as a pink or blue or turquoise tree
found in a magical forest…
or in an art room…
or on a piece of paper…
or in your heart.

Don’t miss it!

Cheers and Hugs,



25 thoughts on “The Sparkly Magic of the Season

  1. I’m feeling IT. Your words are so descriptive that It’s bombarding me with love like lightning bolts. MagiCal! In your pink & blue & turquoise Fantasy Forest. Such a pleasure to share a day with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bombarding you with love like lightning bolts … you just made my day! My week! My month! Thank you for this gift of kindness and affirmation and encouragement and love!!! My late night musings are lightning bolts of love. I fell like Rudolph when Clarice tells him he’s Cuuuuuuute and he is so happy he flies ☺️🥰❤️🎄


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