Old-Fashioned Fresh Peach Pie

old fashioned fresh peach pie 2

It is fresh peach time in our little corner of the world, and some of the best come from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, an area known for micro-climate, soil and slopes conducive to growing sweet, juicy, high-quality peaches.  Though Chambersburg is about three hours from Mars, we have a local feed store (that I frequent for bird food) whose owner has a connection and receives fresh peaches and several varieties of plums for just a few weeks every August from a farm in Chambersburg.

old fashioned fresh peach pie slice

Fresh warm peach pie a la mode is one of hubby’s all-time favorite desserts.  He is a fruit pie lover, and peach is at the top of his list.

Old Fashioned Fresh Peach Pie

I was happy to have an opportunity to bake a pie in my less-than-usual spare time this weekend.

blanched peaches

You see, we got a new family member Saturday morning…

Meet Charlie.  We rescued him from a shelter about an hour and a half away.  They believe him to be about a year old.  Day one, he was very shy, but warmed up quickly enough to actually help himself to jumping up and snuggling right in between hubby and me at bed time.  (not sure how long that is going to fly!)

Day two found him to be 45 pounds of galloping, fetching and retrieving exuberance.  His confidence is growing, and his puppy-ness kept me busy.

charlie 080215

He was right by my side in the kitchen while we made this yummy pie for “dad.”  We were both in our happy place!

Enjoy the old-fashioned taste of this classic recipe from our family to yours.

Old-Fashioned Fresh Peach Pie

Ingredients:old fashioned fresh peach pie 2

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

Blanch, peel and slice peaches.  (To blanch, place peaches in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then remove with slotted spoon and place immediately in large bowl of ice water.  The skin will slip right off. )

Mix peaches, sugars, juice of lemon, flour and cinnamon in bowl and let set aside while you prepare pie crust

Line pie pan with one crust.  Add filling.  Cut remaining crust into strips to form lattice top.  Brush with milk, sprinkle with a little white sugar.

Cover edges of pie with aluminum foil to prevent pie crust from burning or overbaking.

Bake at 450 degrees F for 10 minutes.  Reduce heat to 350 degrees F and back for another 30-35 minutes.  Remove aluminum foil during last 10 minutes.

Peach pie is good served warm or cold, and especially yummy with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Cheers & Hugs,

37 thoughts on “Old-Fashioned Fresh Peach Pie

    • Awh! Thanks Kathy! I think Charlie has some retriever in him. I think he has a little bit of a lot of different things in him 🙂 But our last dog was a rescue, and we couldn’t have found a better one.


  1. Charlie has found a new home! And what a warm and welcoming home it is. Congratulations to him for having such good taste! As for the taste of that peach pie, well I think I’m drooling as much as – a dog. It looks absolutely “get a spoon and dig in” delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Charlie has found the best home sweet home with you! So happy you have a new furry friend to love! ❤️ My cat likes to snuggle under the covers between my husband and I. LOL! Not sure we like it but he has us trained. And your pie looks yummy! I love fresh peaches! 🍑

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Mellow Yellow & Puppy Love | life in between

  4. Charlie is so cute! And its amazing how quickly they “bloom” once they get adopted out of the shelter environment, which is stressful for dogs, no matter how hard the staff and volunteers try. I look forward to hearing how he settles into your home! And I’m going to have to try that pie recipe, too. It looks delicious, and easy enough for me to make…..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Ann! Charlie is doing so well – and we are so in love 🙂 The pie is super easy and super delish! Thanks for your kind words and encouragement! So appreciated!


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