Autumn Leaf

leaf watercolor 1

One Autumn leaf inspired me to create a little painting that closely replicated it in watercolor.

But then I decided to go a little free form and make it whatever color I wanted.

leaf watercolor 2

And then another color.

leaf watercolor 3

And then a little different shape…

leaf watercolor 4

All from one Autumn leaf picked up on a walk back from the mailbox.

The simple, smallest things that can create such joy…

Cherish the moments!

Cheers & Hugs,


44 thoughts on “Autumn Leaf

  1. wow! these are wonderful Jodi šŸ™‚ I love how you ‘ad libbed’ and used artistic license with them. I also notice how fantastic they look on the white paper/ black border behind; great choice to really set them to perfect advantage! cheers, Debi …… hello Charlie šŸ™‚

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