Charlie’s New Year’s Resolution

Charlie watercolor by Laura

Charlie – by Laura @ createarteveryday

Hi Friends!  Charlie here.

Have you missed me?  It’s been a while since Mom has let me guest post.

What do you think of this beautiful watercolor painting of me a very dear and talented friend gifted us with for Mom’s birthday?!

Thank you so much Ms. Laura @ CreateArtEverday!  We really surprised Mom when the card showed up addressed to “Mom” with no postmark or return address except for my paw print!  Thanks for helping me make her birthday even more special! You are the best!

I must tell you, I am kind of glad the holidays are over.  We had FUN – lots of parties, lots of food, lots of friends and family over, but I am POOPED!

I stayed up the latest I have ever stayed up in my life on New Year’s Eve!  Company didn’t leave until after 1:30 am, and I didn’t want to miss a crumb moment of the festivities, so I stayed up way past my usual 8 pm bedtime.

Santa came to our house too!  He must have received my letter and agreed that I WAS a good boy, because my stocking was overflowing with new toys.  He even remembered the FIVE GOLDEN Bones I asked for!  YIPPEE!  Thank you Santa!  Four are already gone.

Mom tells me this is a New Year and a time when many make resolutions to be better.

I have decided I am going to do my best to make my family feel loved and appreciated.  I think that is one of the most important jobs of a family pet.  Don’t you agree?

Unconditional love is so easy for me to give, and it sure makes my Mom and Dad happy.

Happy New Year to all of you (and your family pets!)

Woofs & Wags,



33 thoughts on “Charlie’s New Year’s Resolution

  1. Happy New Year Charlie and that is a very good painting of your handsome self!! Did you get every single crumb that was left on NY eve? I bet you slept all the next day to make up for your late night 🙂 How kind of Santa to let you wonderful gifts! You deserve them and yes you are so very right, Unconditional love is one of the very best gifts you can give someone! Your Mom and Dad will be thrilled!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ms. C! Whatever crumbs I missed that night, I slowly took care of the next day between doggie naps! Happy New year! It’s back to work day for Mom, so I have to behave while she is in her home office. It was a wonderful break!


  2. Laura did a wonderful job painting you! Beautiful picture! So happy you had a good Christmas (getting toys and 5 dog bones!) and partied hard with your family. After all that partying it may to take you some time to get back to your usual self! Being that happy little dog that gives his family unconditional love! Happy New Year Charlie! Here’s to another year living with a wonderful family!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is amazing!! What an awesome gift to gift!! Lucky dog, Charlie and Laura did an amazing job with your likeness. You’re so handsome, but I understand about being wrecked. Phineas didn’t wake up until late the next morning…it’s just too late for dogs! Humans are insane!! But the crumbs are worth it! ❤️😃

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy New Year Charlie! Laura painted a beautiful likeness of you. What a great gift for Mom! Best of luck to you with your new year goals. I’m sure you’ll do it!
    Diva Dog says to say “hello!” She too is going to be working on a few things this year. Mostly, trying to coax #1 Grandson’s food away from him, and jumping on people to say hello. She still hasn’t mastered that.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy New Year Charlie, and family! Nice portrait too! Yep, we got tons of holiday goodies! Dad & Mom spoiled us pretty good. They tell us we’re good boys, and we try to be. Like you, we’gonna love and appreciate our Mom & Dad lots more too! Hope your new year continues to be great! Wags from Sammy & Charley

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy New Year, Charlie! You are so handsome pictured in your Mom’s present of you in watercolor. Why, Chase has the same resolution for the New Year. Unconditional love and attempting not to steal Mom’s slippers!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. great to see you back Charlie! and we (Merlin, Maggie, Riley, Jewels) all decided that your portrait by Miss Laura is magnificent!! your Mom will treasure that for many years 🙂 well, you’d better get back to the ‘office’ and start planning for your next Post! ttyl, Debi

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy New Year, Charlie. We’ve missed your words of wisdom and unique outlook on the crumbs of life. I’m sure you enjoyed your first NYE party. Hopefully your hangover wasn’t that bad. Great resolution, but then I expected nothing less from you, as always. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Mr. George! I am busy nesting this week. Winter finally arrived here in Mars. I’ve missed you too! Hope Mom will let me write again soon. Love, Charlie


  9. Pingback: A Song Sparrow Watercolor for Draw a Bird Day | life in between

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