Full Moon Musing

full moon august 2016

Full Moon, Mars, PA, August, 2016

Full moon musing
illumination of the night

Casting your glow
amidst the ambiguity

searching for clarity
through the unseen

providing a glimpse to
unravel the mystery

transforming darkness
to reveal the light

full moon musing
magic of the night.

Cheers & Hugs,

56 thoughts on “Full Moon Musing

  1. Absolutely gorgeous photo and I struggle sometimes with poems and the reason is I want clarity, get on with it…. and you did. I rarely stick with reading a poem and yours was a treat. It is helping that I am reading a book written by a Japanese man during the early part of the century and in this book the artist is exploring creativity and haiku. Your photo and poem is the icing on the cake. You have a lot to share, don’t you? Seems like you are on a cusp of a creativity that is very special and unique. Keep on sister. 🙂

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