
"Broken" - Abstract Watercolor 11x14 140lb Saunders Waterford Cold Press

“Broken” – Abstract Watercolor 11×14 140lb Saunders Waterford Cold Press

The broken
will always
be able
to love harder
than most.

Once you have been
in the dark,
you learn
to appreciate
that shines.

Zachry K. Douglas

the brokenness
and let
your light

Cheers & Hugs

"Broken" - Abstract Watercolor 11x14 Matted and Framed

“Broken” – Abstract Watercolor 11×14 Matted and Framed


45 thoughts on “Broken

    • So glad. I was really uncertain how it would be received. I really enjoyed the process getting to this piece after several attempts believe it or not. Restraint is difficult but hopefully impactful.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I can understand that sweet Gary. Loss is so difficult but only felt when you’ve loved so deeply. So please try to focus on that. I know easier said than done. Hugs.


  1. In a world that often seems broken, the light must be encouraged to shine. Magnificent and powerful words, Zachery’s and yours! Your abstract is powerful too. I was wondering what the gold color is called, it shines! Thank-you for this beautiful post.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. free wild and expressive!
    that looks so lovely all framed up Jodi! great post 🙂
    indeed, many things in life…. are such that unless one has actually experienced that pain/event – its unreal. and its ‘understanding’ just…… beyond our grasp.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I was really hesitant to share this one Debi. I did take me 4 tries to get it even to this though. So easy to OVERwork! But so wonderful when you can find simplicity and really be definitive on strokes. I am really trying to learn how important a light touch can be too.

      Liked by 1 person

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