My New Yellow Rubber Boots

My New Yellow Rubber Boots Watercolor 8×10

My New Yellow Rubber Boots.

It was great to get to spend some time in my art studio this weekend after getting through a handful of “have-to-do” tasks.

After recently painting some loose portrait-type figure paintings like this and this, I felt inspired to try some more “character” type illustrative work.  I was inspired by some beautiful work I found on Instagram done by an artist in the Netherlands, Marleen Kleiberg.

My granddaughter got her first little pair of yellow rubber boots from the Easter Bunny last week, and even though they were two sizes too big, she fell in love with them.   Her Mommy sent a picture on Easter morning of her wearing her new boots.  She was decked out in a denim ruffle-bottomed top and peach/orange knit leggings with a matching bow in her hair (and a mouthful of jelly beans!).

I used some artistic liberty to create this painting, but Pap Pap and Mommy and Daddy knew just who it was when I showed them, and got a kick out of it.

A little over a year ago, I painted this little portrait of her.  I can’t believe how much she has grown and changed in a year!

Oh the joy this little one brings to my world!  And what a fun subject to inspire paintings.

Cheers & Hugs,

58 thoughts on “My New Yellow Rubber Boots

  1. You never cease to amaze me with the beautiful art that flows from your heart into your fingertips! I know many times it seems the same litany from me, but it cannot be overstated…YOU possess a gift! In the less than a year of being a Jodi follower, I have had the extreme pleasure of watching you expand as an artist. This painting is a marvelous capture of two moments in time…a sweet moment in your Granddaughter’s life and a treasured moment from your creative life in between. Thank-you!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Benjamin asked : “Where is the story?” I made one up about the little girl looking for jellybeans in the snow on Easter morning, only to find them in her yellow boots. I thought it was clever. Benjamin’s take : “Gem, maybe just let My Jodi tell stories and you read them”…and so, I shall! We do, however, both agree that the little girl is “so cute”!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Adorable Jodi, i like the way you did her hair. So cute. i love Evelyn Flint calling them. “Yellow Wellies”. Not a term we use here in the states, but such a cute Book Title if you get my drift…. So many adventures could take place with those Yellow Wellies. Just sayin….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Terrific portrait of your granddaughter admiring her new yellow boots! Her joy comes through in the painting. And how lucky she is to have a grandmother who can paint her portraits at various stages of her life. Those are going to be something she will treasure forever, and so will her children someday.

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  4. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

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