Taking a Blogcation

Taking a Blogcation.

Hi Friends!  On May 18, 2014, I published my very first blog post.
Almost four years later, I’ve been blogging daily or at least five days a week.

I’ve never taken a blogcation – even when I was on vacation!

So I’m thinking I deserve a little break.
I hope you understand.

I am going to take a week or two off as I focus on a few other things going on in my life right now, including a new full-time career.

I’ll try to check in on occassion and may even have a chance to post a time or two, but forgive me if you don’t hear from me for a little while.   Know I am well… very well and happy!

Looking forward to connecting again soon here at “life in between!”

Cheers & Hugs,

39 thoughts on “Taking a Blogcation

  1. Carolyn or myself (presumably Carolyn) will need to reach you re the pre-publishing final check of The Odessa Chronicles. If there is any chance that you will not be available via normal means, please email one of us and provide an alternative contact method. Thx Jodi … and enjoy your break! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like a good plan to me, of course you will be missed. I look forward to hearing about your new career path. I will miss your daily inspiration. Lots of hugs coming your way. Xxoo


  3. My inbox will always have an open space just waiting for you. Benjamin and I will miss…the painting and photos, the baking and cooking (no onions, of course), the poetry and inspiration, Charlie too…but, most of all YOU! Happy Blogcation from The Followers, we love you!!


  4. Enjoy a wonderful blogcation and your new career change! I will miss all of your wonderfully creative inspiration, but understand & appreciate that you are taking time for you! Pam


  5. Jodi, how exciting, a new full-time career. I’ll miss you & your abstract swirls of color paintings. Good luck in the new venture. Look forward to a word or two how you are doing. 🧡 Christine


  6. I will sure miss you here, but I understand you completely! Blogging every day is only possible if there’s enough time for it. Enjoy your time off, and see you soon back here hopefully, my friend! ❤️


  7. Jodi…enjoy yourself…life is way to short…we will miss you,…..look forward to hearing from you again, and your new life adventures !!!!


  8. You so deserve a blogcation. Doing this full time amazes me, your dicipline alone is remarkable, but creative juices just don’t come to me on call so how you are able to dicipline your creativity & all that energy with such sustainability, but it’s true vacations have their own attributes and should be scheduled as well. Take the leave you need we’ll be hearing from you off and on, I’m sure. Love to you . Jodi

    Liked by 1 person

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