Abstract Paw Print: A Charlie Guest Post

Charlie Dog Paw Print Watercolor Cobalt Teal Blue Prussian Blue and Quinacridone Gold

Charlie Dog Paw Print Watercolor Cobalt Teal Blue Prussian Blue and Quinacridone Gold

Hi Friends!
Remember me?  Your best buddy and pal, Charlie?

It’s been a while, but Mom finally gave in to let me get a word (and a paw print) in edge wise!

Since July is #WorldWatercolorMonth, Mom said I had to contribute a watercolor painting if I was going to do a guest blog post.

I thought about painting a juicy, mouth-watering rack of ribs, but hey… I’d rather EAT those!

I also thought about painting a kitty, like my friend Sebastian, but that is a little challenging without opposable thumbs.

I considered painting one of my favorite sticks to chew on or my blue ball or a fun, squeaky donut….

But after all this thinking, I was starting to get awfully sleepy

What could I paint?

I must say I’m getting a little tired of all the “pink stuff” going on around here by the way…..

Don’t get me wrong – I get it that Mom is super excited about becoming a Grandma soon, and since it’s a girl, she’s really kinda being googly ga ga because she’s the only girl around our house…. but seriously…..  enough with the pink, the coral, the pastel….  GAG!

So I finally decided to do a little abstract piece in Cobalt Teal Blue, Prussian Blue, and one of Mom’s and my favorites, Quinacridone Gold.

For my piece, I simply dipped my paw in water to achieve a wet-on-wet watercolor technique.  I then spit dropped the paint in to let it flow and drip and create its own watercolor magic.

Painting is really fun!

As you may already know, I am adopted.  I was lost until Mom and Dad and my new family found me.  I am so fortunate they helped me.

And I want to help KIDS!  Kids who want to create art, but aren’t able because they don’t have paint or paper or the resources they need.  That’s really what #WorldWatercolorMonth is all about you know…  It’s about raising awareness for underprivileged kids who really want to create art or learn about art or have the opportunity to choose art.

Mom and I hope you will consider donating to the Zebra Foundation in any small or large way.  The wonderful people at The Zebra Foundation understand the importance of art and creativity in the world.

Join us in celebrating by donating watercolor supplies to support underprivileged young artists worldwide! With your help, we can provide much needed support for kids in need.    Just like I was 9 months ago – a dog in need – given a new life!

Woofs & Wags,

Charlie is an adopted dog with brown eyes and a white-tipped tail who brings joy and laughter to his family and friends.  Charlie is a gifted writer, raving food critic, cat, chipmunk, and donut lover, and exceptionally photogenic model.  Some of his best friends are Mike the UPS Man, Cliff the Mailman, and ANYONE who delivers pizza to the house.   If you would like to read more guest posts by Charlie, simply type “Charlie” into the Search box at the top right hand corner of this link: https://lifeinbetween.me/.   If you would enjoy a companion like Charlie, please consider pet adoption.

49 thoughts on “Abstract Paw Print: A Charlie Guest Post

  1. Charlie, I must say you are a wonderful and entertaining writer! Thank you for sharing your past and how your mom and dad saved you, we need to spread the word about pet adoption because so many are in need! By the way, I love the colors of your artwork!😉

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Charlie, I love your paw print and the colours are amazing. I think that is so good it could be framed. 🙂
    So, is mom going a bit over board with all the pink Charlie? Shame, never mind, you are going to love the little baby when she comes.
    Have a lovely day Charlie 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. So good to hear from you again Charlie!! I love the colors you chose! Yes, you will have to give your Mom some understanding as she may be acting a little more crazy in the months to come. Thinking of babies can do that to you for they are just so sweet and adorable!! You will see and I bet you will be a great friend to the new bundle of joy coming 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh, Charlie. Wow, you could have painted yourself, I should have let you fling paint to the paper on your own! You knew just how to drop in the paint and let the colors mingle together. You will have so much fun with the little girl, I’m sure you two will be fast friends. Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork with us! You inspire us to reach higher. Who needs opposable thumbs?! 💛💛💛💛💛

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Charlie, you painted a wonderful paw print! I love the colors in it. I’m sorry you are getting tired of seeing pink but once that little baby comes you won’t mind the pink at all because you will love her so much! Keep doing your part in helping the kids and homeless animals! You are GREAT!

    Liked by 2 people

    • thank you ms carrie! We’ll see if mom let’s me! She’s pretty protective about her paints. One time I tried liking one of her paintings, and she wasn’t very pleased. ❤ charlie

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  6. Wags to you Charlie! I enjoyed your guest post immensely. Well paw print. Tell Mom that I have given to the Zebra Foundation by buying a couple of items for the WorldWatercolorMonth swag shop. Canadian dollars don’t go as far.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jodi, did you paint this? Or did you actually get Charlie to give you a paw print? If you did I’m really really impressed. That’s so hard to do. I’ve tried it with my own dog before lol.

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  8. Charlie , you are a great “watercolourist” and an awesome writer 🙂
    I have been missing your posts and was wondering if you were too distracted with your friendly neighbours , or if your mama had sent you to some vacation in the Caribbean or something (being you such a good boy 😉 you know ! ) for Summer .
    Loved the colours you chose and your paw is very elegant 🙂
    Turtle Hugs

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  9. Welcome back, Charlie, I’ve missed hearing from you! And I know you were adopted, but somehow you still managed to inherit your new mom’s artistic talent! Your art is as good as hers, who would have thought? Also, please thank your mom for reminding people to support the Dreaming Zebra Foundation, and for reminding them that there are lots and lots of great animals waiting to be adopted into their forever homes. They all appreciate your remembering them, believe me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Ms Ann – I’ve missed you too! I hope you and your family have recovered from that storm and power outage. Sometimes I wish our power would go out so mom would play with me more often instead of on our computer or phone! But I thank you for your appreciation of my artistic talent and your kind words of support! ❤ charlie

      Liked by 1 person

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