Chessy Caprese Tarts

caprese tarts 2

In honor of National Cheese Lovers Day today, (you knew that – right?!) I am sharing a yummy new Cheesy Caprese Tart recipe I made this past weekend for the family while we got together to watch football playoff games.

caprese tarts cut

This recipe could also be great for brunch, lunch or even a light dinner.   It would be a well-received snack to take to a Super Bowl Party too, I am certain!

caprese tarts

Does anything beat ooey, gooey, chewy fresh melted mozarella cheese?!  Especially when topped with sweet juicy tomatoes and some lovely fresh basil?!  And everything is yummy when on top of golden, flaky puff pastry – right?

This recipe is really simple, yet it turns out looking so impressive, you are going to be a Cheese Lover’s ROCK STAR when you make this!

Caprese Puff Pastry Tarts

  • Servings: depends on how hungry you are!
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Ingredients:caprese tarts 2

  • 1 sheet of frozen puff pastry, thawed
  • 1 lb fresh mozzarella cheese
  • Fresh ripe Campari  (my favorite!) or cherry tomatoes
  • Fresh basil
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Roll out the puff pastry sheet and cut into four squares.  Top with sliced fresh mozarella and then sliced tomatoes.  Drizzle with olive oil, then salt and pepper to taste.  Bake in 375 degree F oven for approximately 15 minutes or until puff pastry begins to puff and turn golden brown and cheese is melted and bubbly brown.  Remove from oven and top with freshly chopped basil.  Tastes wonderful hot or cold.

For small bite-sized tarts, you could cut into 16 squares and do same.  You could also do one large “pizza” by not cutting the pastry sheet at all.

ENJOY, and Happy Cheese Lover’s Day!

Cheers & Hugs,



43 thoughts on “Chessy Caprese Tarts

  1. Well, here’s another recipe I’m going to have to try! I just love cheese. My favorite breakfast is a piece of Italian bread topped with tomatoes and either mozzarella or provel cheese, plus some spinach if I have it. Eight minutes in the toaster oven, and it’s delicious!

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