Lilac Love

lilac love watercolor painting arches 300 lb cold press 10 x 14 diaxozine violet

lilac love watercolor painting arches 300 lb cold press 10 x 14 diaxozine violet

The purple lilacs around here are done for the season,
but the white lilac tree in my yard is crazy full of tiny white flowers
that are filling the entire yard with such an amazing fragrance!

While my poor son is sneezing like crazy from all the pollen in the air right now,
I don’t dare pick and bring a bouquet into the house as much as I’d love to….

But I was inspired to paint some lilacs (purple is more fun!)
with that sensational scent wafting through my brain down to my fingertips
as I dripped and dropped and splashed and splattered Dioxazine Violet.

Can you almost smell them?

Cheers & Hugs,

I’m joining my friend Charlie with these sweet smelling flowers for his #NatureDoodlewash challenge.

58 thoughts on “Lilac Love

  1. Ooh, you used my dioxazine violet 🙂 I love lilacs. We had lilac bushes growing in the yard when I was a child, and I adored them. My husband and I have tried planting lilacs, but the rabbits destroyed them before they even made a good start. Must find a way and try again! Until then, I can look at your lovely beauties. If only we could paint the fragrance, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh wow, this violet thrills me!
    Jodi, I love how you added the depth to your beautiful Lilacs. I can see you thoroughly enjoyed each brush stroke. And, yes I can smell the fragrance all the way to Las Vegas! Very healing, thank you.

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    • Thanks so so much Margaret! Thanks for noticing the yellow! It was a last-minute decision to splash on yellow as the complimentary color to make it “pop” hopefully! 🙂

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  3. I just LOVE the smell of lilacs! My grandparents had lilacs in their backyard, and whenever I smell lilacs it reminds me of going to visit grandma and grandpa on Sundays and for special events when I was young. Such great memories, thank you Jodi!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lilacs make me think of my grandma too. She taught me so much about nature and life and what to truly appreciate and enjoy! Glad to conjure up some sweet memories for you KR!

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  4. I also love lilacs (and your painting of them is great!), but just like your son, my husband is very allergic to them. So that means I can’t plant a lilac bush in the yard, as much as I would like to. My grandmother had a huge lilac bush in her yard, and when I was child, I just loved the smell when it was in bloom!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seems they were a Grandma Thing :), which brings such fond memories – eh? Those darn guys and their allergies – eh? Thanks for the sweet compliment on the painting too, Ann 🙂

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